Protein Purification Manual

Jim Cheetham cheethj at ROCKVAX.ROCKEFELLER.EDU
Thu May 25 13:16:32 EST 1995

>Our lab is currently starting some protein purification and we are
>interested in acquiring a GOOD manual.
>We are doing the Ni 2+ column purification of a HIS-tagged protein, so the
>book would require a good section on this
>as well as expression info for bacteria, yeast, mammalian and insect. I
>have heard of the Methods in Enzymology book, 
>can anyone say if this is a good one or not? TIA

I think the book you are referring to is:

Guide to Protein Purification
by Murray P. Deutscher
Academic Press

This is a collection of Methods in Enzymology articles, and I
have found it very useful.  I don't think it has a chapter on
purification of His-tagged proteins, but it is still a great source
of tables, techniques, etc...

James J. Cheetham
Laboratory of Molecular and
Cellular Neuroscience
The Rockefeller University

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