How to avoid inclusion bodies ?

Robert Brooksbank rab at sanger.ac.uk
Tue May 23 06:51:34 EST 1995

Clemens Vonrhein   email vonrhein at bio5.chemie.uni-freiburg.de wrote:

>The subject says it all: I want to avoid the expression of a protein
>as inclusion bodies.

>As far as I read the literature, there are some rules of thumb:

>- lower temperature (30, 25, 20, 15 degrees Celsius ?)
>- low IPTG concentration
>- rich medium ( terific broth, ...)
>- high OD and short incubation times (OD=1.0-2.0 and t=1-2h)
>- adding needed cofactors (FAD, FMN, ...)

When I was doing my PhD I did some protein expression work, I was using pET11/
BL21. In my case I found that I needed to induce the cells before the OD
about 0.5 in order to produce mostly soluble protein. Inducing later, although
giving a similar level of protein on a gel, gave a much smaller peak on my
column. Although I didn't show definitively that inclusion bodies were being
formed it suggests that late induction may not necessarily be the answer. I
think it is difficult to come up with hard and fast rules for this sort of 
thing, there are so many variables.

Good luck!

Rob Brooksbank 						The Sanger Centre,
							Hinxton Hall
email: rab at sanger.ac.uk					Hinxton
phone: (01223) 494949					Cambridge
fax:   (01223) 494919					CB10 1RQ

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