Yeast protease inhibitors

mol1 at ifm.mh-hannover.de mol1 at ifm.mh-hannover.de
Tue May 9 08:26:25 EST 1995

Hi there,

here is the cocktail I use for protein preparations from yeast:

protease inhibitors
100 mM        PMSF
  1 mM        EDTA
1,5 microg/ml Pepstatin
  1 mM        Benzamidin
 2 microg/ml  Leupeptin

phosphatase inhibitors
1,25 microM   Ocadaic Acid
  5 mM        Natriumfluoride

10 microl/ml  NP-40

other protocolls see
Benyon R.J. (1989): "Initial planning: prevention of uncontrolled
proteolysis" in "Protein purification methods - a practical approach", ed.
E.L.V. Harris, IRL Press, Oxford.
Jones E.W: (1991): "Tackling the protease problem in Saccharomyces
cerevisiae"; Meth. Enzym. 194, pp. 428-453.
Christian Velten

Institute for Molecular Biology, Medical School Hannover

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