NO. Re: A Plea To John K! (was Re: Comment to S.Blocklehurst)

Barry Schweitzer barry at fhis.net
Sun May 7 13:23:00 EST 1995

Kevin Gardner (gardner at zinc.csb.yale.edu) wrote:
: David Jones (jones at bsm.bioc.ucl.ac.uk) wrote:
: : like spilling the cat out of the bean bag, if George Rose has 
: : presented work at a public meeting then it would be perfectly
: : reasonable for someone attending the meeting to discuss what
: : was presented. Let's not forget that the dissemination of ideas is
: : the whole point of giving a talk. Now of course if this was all
: : discussed privately or if the talk was say a departmental seminar -
: : then of course you can and must say nothing.

: Hmmm.  Just out of curiousity:

: Where is the dividing line between a between a "public" vs. a "private"
: forum?  I can see the obvious differences between say, a 1500 person
: meeting and a 1-on-1 conversation, but departmental seminars strike me
: as being an especially grey area.  My department advertises it's
: seminars to the whole Yale biological/ chemical community and
: occasionally you can get a talk w/200+ people present.

: I'm sure there are guidelines toward these things w.r.t. patents
: and whatnot --- can anyone offer an informed opinion?

Hi Kevin:

I can offer an opinion, how informed is another question :)

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