A Plea To John K! (was Re: Comment to S.Blocklehurst)

Simon Brocklehurst Bioc smb18 at mole.bio.cam.ac.uk
Sat May 6 07:23:29 EST 1995

sibbald at qucis.queensu.ca (Peter Sibbald) writes:

> he rumour as i understand it is that George Rose has made major 
> progress on the protein folding problem and is publishing it 
> in _Proteins_??? Not Nature? 

If the paper turns out to be highly significant, it would be sorta 
interesting to know if the paper was offered to Nature and/or Science 
before being submitted to Proteins.  The "general" scientific journals' 
decisions as to what to publish (as well as what not to publish) are 
sometimes quite worryingly off the mark.
|  ,_ o     Simon M. Brocklehurst,
| /  //\,   Oxford Centre for Molecular Sciences
|   \>> |   Department of Biochemistry, University of Oxford,
|    \\,    Oxford, UK.
|           E-mail: smb at bioch.ox.ac.uk

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