kinase activated by Glycerol?

Curmi curmi at bisance.citi2.fr
Fri May 5 11:28:48 EST 1995

Hello everybody,

I produce a GST-Kinase fusion protein and tested its
autophosphorylation activity.
It appeared that the kinase activity was dramaticaly enhanced
by adding 25% glycerol.

Does someone has informations related to this observation ?

Another point is the copurification of apparently
DnaK with the GST fusion system which seems to 
autophosphorylate in the kinase assay.

Does anyone know about phosphorylation of other substrates
by DnaK ? and about specificity of phosphorylation
by DnaK ?

Thanking you in advance.

Patrick Curmi  INSERM U153  17, rue du Fer a Moulin, Paris, France
tel :  fax :  email : curmi at citi2.fr
Patrick Curmi  INSERM U153  17, rue du Fer a Moulin, Paris, France
tel :  fax :  email : curmi at citi2.fr

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