Comment to S.Blocklehurst (Re: Well, ...)

David Jones jones at bsm.bioc.ucl.ac.uk
Wed May 3 17:46:40 EST 1995

> Simon,
> I think that John was correct making such comments about work
> of G.Rose. This was not a claim that folding is really solved,
> but rather comment about his personal impression from Rose's work.
> Imagine: already half a year we hear something about this
> intriguing work, but any description of the algorithm is still
> absent.. Rose's result is principal for the large area of biocomputing
> problems, and too many people are waiting for a paper or
> at least for personal comments from lucky visitors of the
> rare Rose's presentations.
> As far I know, John commented his impression immediately after
> presentation of G.Rose results on some sort of seminar at NIH.
> What is wrong with that? And for me this is interesting because
> I would like to know (in absense of any possibility to visit
> such a seminar in other part of US) how different people become
> convinced in the efficacy of this algorithm.. Of course, this is
> only while I'm waiting for publication/description.
> And John's comment shows something, isn't it?

Unfortunately there seem to be three diverse groups of people here.
The first group seem to have been to one of George Rose's seminars.
The second group have heard some rumours and have not been to one of
George Rose's seminars - but would like to.
The third group (which certainly includes me) have heard absolutely
nothing about this supposed breakthrough - until now. Perhaps I'm the
only one in the third group? Hands up all those who have heard about
this work by George Rose... oh dear, how embarassing - just me, then!

Just to make some use of the wasted bandwidth here - why doesn't
someone in the first group let us in the third group in on what's
supposed to be going on. If he's spoken about this at a seminar then
a brief synopsis isn't going to hurt anyone - then we can _all_
enjoy the suspense until the paper comes out!

This message was written, produced and executively directed by Dr David Jones
Address: Department of Biochemistry and |     Email: jones at bsm.bioc.ucl.ac.uk
Molecular Biology, University College,  |       Tel: +44 171 387 7050 x3879
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