NAOMI - Version Upgrade Announcement
(Please note, NAOMI is provided at zero charge for academic use)
(e-mail contact smb at
The computer program NAOMI Version 2.10a is available _now_ via
anonymous ftp from:
in directory pub/smb/naomi/
Academic and commercial upgrades from Version 2.10 will work with current main
license keys and any existing "feature" license keys. Users of earlier
versions than 2.10 will need new license keys to allow the upgrade to work.
Upgrade features requested additional facilities for analysis of hydrogen
bonds and chain-breaks.
See the World Wide Web NAOMI site at:
for more details of the program.
What is NAOMI?
NAOMI is a computer program aimed at both specialist and non-specialist
researchers who make use of three-dimensional structures of proteins
in their work.
The general features offered by the program make it it a useful addition to
programs such as X-PLOR for performing structure-function related
computations on protein structures. In addition, a number of specific
types of calculation are offered which are of interest to groups of people.
NAOMI provides interfaces to the graphics programs MOLSCRIPT, INSIGHT II
and QUANTA, as well as its own graphical output, to allow efficient
visualizations of the results of calculations and analyses. It is
operated by an intuitive command language, coupled with interactive
documentation, that allows the user to perform manipulations of and
calculations on three-dimensional structures of proteins in a
time-efficient manner.
Features include:
General structural analysis
Interfaces to computer graphics programs (MOLSCRIPT, INSIGHT II, QUANTA)
Dealing with problematic pdb files
Simulating dynamic properties of proteins
Prediction of protein function from 3-D structure
Protein Engineering and Design
NMR structure refinement
Tertiary structure prediction
Prediction of protein folding pathways
NAOMI is Copyright Simon M. Brocklehurst 1992-1995.
NB NAOMI currently works only on Silicon Graphics workstations running
IRIX 5.*
|| ,_ o Simon M. Brocklehurst,
| / //\, Oxford Centre for Molecular Sciences, Department of Biochemistry,
| \>> | University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.
| \\, E-mail: smb at | WWW:|____________________________________________________________________________