Calcium-Binding Assay Protocol?........

Michael D. Knierman knierman at ncifcrf.gov
Fri Jul 28 18:00:51 EST 1995

abrenic at ccu.umanitoba.ca (Bernard) wrote:

>	I was wondering if anyone possesses a successful Calcium-Binding Assay
>that would work in the determination of Calcium-Binding Competetion with
>repspect to a possible Calcium-Binding Protein.

>If anyone can respond, please do so via email.

>Thanks in advance!

>Bernard Abrenica													|						University of Manitoba
>abrenic at cc.umanitoba.ca						|						"Where the Bison Roam"

>Hey, hey, hey, hey! It was the DNA.
>Hey, hey, hey, hey! That made me this way.

  I would be interested as well.

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