protein web sites

Jong jhp20 at cus.cam.ac.uk
Thu Jul 27 16:01:18 EST 1995


In article <3v8ees$iot at server.st.usm.edu>, 
rbateman at wave.st.usm.edu says...
>We are having a protein analysis workshop here in a week or so for 
>college faculty, etc. I would like to introduce them to some of the 
>internet resources for protein analysis (sequence, structure, etc...), 
>particularly useful web sites. I have several bookmarked, but would 
>to hear from other netters about your favorite sites. Please email me, 
>since I will be out of town for several days and a post may be lost. If I 
>get several, I will post a summary. Thanks.
>Bob Bateman
>University of Southern Mississippi
>rbateman at wave.st.usm.edu

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