Protein conc from A280 & sequence

A.S.McAlpine asm at dlpx1.dl.ac.uk
Thu Jul 27 05:06:32 EST 1995

In article <3upe58$ko4 at ixnews7.ix.netcom.com>, mesalvu at ix.netcom.com (Michael Salvucci) writes:
|> Does anyone know of a method (or computer program) for accurately
|> determining the concentration of a protein from the A280 and the
|> sequence (i.e., the number of tyr & trp residues).
|> Thanks in advance,
|> Mike Salvucci, USDA-ARS
|> Phoenix, AZ
|> msalvucc at asrr.arsusda.gov

Have a look at the following

		Gill & von Hippel
		Anal. Biochem. 182 pp 319-326 (1989)

this should be of help


                               (o o)
                        Protein Crystallography  
 Alan McAlpine                     | SRR  Division    
 Daresbury Laboratories            |
 Daresbury                         | 
 Warrington WA4 4AD                | Tel: 01925 603606
 England                           | Fax: 01925 603124
 UK                                | E-Mail: a.s.mcalpine at dl.ac.uk

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