Simon Penson (spenson at wrote:
: Dear Netters,
: I'm working on a protein kinase activity in barley aleurone vacuoles. It
: appears to be membrane-associated. I'm trying to determine what effectors
: might regulate it's action. So far, I've tried Ca, CaM, and different
: hormone treatments. None of these appear to affect the kinase activity.
: My question is: what other cellular regulators might modulate this
: activity? I've not tried the cyclic nucleotides yet, but they're
: candidates. How about DAG or IP3? This is kind of a general question, but
: I'd appreciate any ideas you might have.
: Thanks,
: Simon.
If you know the general pathway it's in it might help. Sometimes
protein kinases can be regulated themselves by phosphorylation. If you
have an in vitro assay for your enzyme activity, try phosphorylating it
with known kinases and see how that effects it's activity. Good luck.