Need: Determination of PDB Secondary Structure

Marcel Turcotte turcotte at IRO.UMontreal.CA
Sun Jul 23 12:37:49 EST 1995

  [ On 21 Jul 1995 16:39:26 +0400 ]
  [ andyg at vnigen.msk.su (Igor Grigoriev) wrote: ]

  | Dear Colleagues,
  | During an analysis of Brookhaven Protein Databank I  met  that
  | some  description  of secondary structure for several proteins
  | was undetermined or half-determined.
  | Could you please help me to find a program  for  determination
  | of protein  secondary  structure  on  basis  of 3D coordinates
  | obtained from Brookhaven PDB. The program should run under DOS
  | on PC.

It has already been done for you, have a look at DSSP:


  The DSSP program was designed by Wolfgang Kabsch and Chris Sander to
  standardize secondary structure assignment. The DSSP database is a
  database of secondary structure assignments (and much more) for all of
  the entries in the Protein Data Bank (PDB).

Databases files:


                              Hope this helps!
                              ;;; Marcel

Marcel TURCOTTE                                 Université de Montréal
<A HREF="http://www.IRO.UMontreal.CA/people/turcotte/">URL</A>

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