
John A. Newitt newitt at ncifcrf.gov
Thu Jul 20 19:55:00 EST 1995

In article <cor-200795161447 at>, cor at codon.nih.gov (Cor
Witteveen) wrote:

> Hi,
> Can anybody tell me whether there are programs available that can predict
> the antigenicity of different parts of a protein from the primary
> structure?
The GCG suite of sequence analysis programs includes a program,
PEPTIDESTRUCTURE, that will provide you with an antigenic index based on
the method of Jameson and Wolf (CABIOS 4:181-186, 1988), and this can be
plotted with a different GCG program called PLOTSTRUCTURE. I have no
information on the reliability of this prediction method. At NIH, you can
get an account to use GCG from DCRT (helix, UNIX-based), or alternatively
from the Frederick Biomedical Supercomputing Center (VAX/VMS-based).


John A. Newitt, Ph.D.           |   <newitt at nih.gov>
National Institutes of Health   |   Tel: 301-402-4770
Bethesda, Maryland  USA         |   FAX: 301-402-0387

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