Where is ATTO distributor?

R. Masui rmasui at gen-info.osaka-u.ac.jp
Wed Jul 19 04:19:43 EST 1995

In article <3ueemq$mue at news1.best.com>, hquinn at shell1.best.com (INTERNET

> Can anyone help? When I first joined my lab, I bought a really good 
> protein gel SDS-page aparatus made by the Japanese company ATTO, bu I 
> can't figure out where to find the distributor in the US.

Dear colleague:

I live in Japan and also use the SDS-PAGE apparatus made by ATTO. 
According to the catalogue (1995), the distributor in the US is

CRESCENT CHEMICAL Co., Inc., Hauppauge, NY   Tel (516) 348-0333

Hope this helps.
    R. MASUI
    e-mail: rmasui at bio.sci.osaka-u.ac.jp

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