GFP expression in mammalian cells

Anton Scott Goustin asg at cmb.biosci.wayne.edu
Wed Jul 19 10:41:40 EST 1995

Question for Dr. Nicoletti:
I am interested in using GFP in the context of flow cytometry.  The 
standard excitation source misses the absorbance optimum for GFP.  Do 
you have any experience here?

Question for Dr. Pelicci:
Did you have to alter the GFP ORF, for example, to accommodate the codon 
bias of mammalian cells?  I understand that people have created (by 
mutation in E coli) new ORFs derived from the original GFP which are 
brighter, or different color.  Do you know about this?  Also, were you 
previously at NYU Pathology?

Anton Scott Goustin
Center for Molecular Medicine and Genetics
Wayne State University
Detroit, Michigan 48202-3917 USA
asg at cmb.biosci.wayne.edu

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