specifity of iodinated antibodies

Mathias Dreger saihtam at chemie.fu-berlin.de
Tue Jul 18 18:19:43 EST 1995

I routinely perform western blots with a commercially available monoclonal 
anti-phosphotyrosine antibody for the detection of tyrosine phosphorylation of 
subunits of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. Recently I observed that the 
iodinated form of the same primary antibody I used before with other detection 
systems showed a preferential binding for one tyrosine-phosphorylated subunit 
over the other tyrosine-phosphorylated subunits. Cross-reactions between the 
formerly used secondary antibodies and the receptor subunits were of course 
checked and can be excluded. Did anybody else observe such change of antibody 
specifity due to iodination? Could anybody explain?

Mathias Dreger

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