Modeling Software

KBalli kballi at aol.com
Tue Jul 18 11:59:59 EST 1995

I am new to the science/art of protein modeling and looking for some
advice or pointers.  I just started working in a cell biology lab studying
gap junction proteins at Loma Linda University School of Medicine.  My
goal is to add conformational / energy minimization data using computer

Currently our lab has no software, so I am working in another lab using
Quanta 4.0 / CHARMm on a Silicon Graphics IRIS 4D (circa early 80's I
believe).  No one else in the lab uses it and I am spending lots of time
wading through their 8 manuals.  The software seems quite comprehensive
but I have nothing to compare it to.  Our lab is hoping to purchase some
software / hardware of our own soon.  A couple questions I've been
wondering about are:

1) How does this software compare to others out on the market.  Is it
industry standard, or is there better?

2) What other software is available for UNIX?

3) Our lab currently has only PC's and Power Mac's - is there any
comparable software made for these platforms?

4) A friend told me about a software package called Imdad / Look from
Molecular Applications Group - is this any good?

5) Are there any good books, journals, or other Internet resources where I
might find answers to these and other molecular modeling questions as I
get started on this project?

Thanks for your time and any suggestions you can give me.
KBalli at aol.com

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