Proteins and Singapore

Philip J. Wyatt phil at wyatt.com
Sun Jul 16 21:46:39 EST 1995

On 14 July on sci.chem.analytical, Wu Zhigang posted a discussion of the  
above referenced title.

Has Wu Zhigang ever heard of cross flow field flow fractionation (FFF)?  
This type of chromatography seems to share a lot of his discoveries and  
"new concepts".  The important feature of this type of FFF combined with  
multiangle light scattering detection is that it permits for the case of  
proteins, for example, an excellent separation in virtually ANY  
aqueous-based mobile phase.  Thus aggregation phenomena induced by the  
requirement to use a mobile phase (e.g. PBS) that prevents protein  
sticking to the column (e. g. SEC or GPC) can now be avoided.  The  
effective surface area of a cross flow FFF channel is miniscule compared  
to a standard reverse phase or SEC column bed.

Incidentally, what type of chromatography is done throughout the various  
universities and research centers of Singapore?  Is there any place to  
find out more details of such work?  Is it true that the largest  
biotechnology research center in Asia is located in Singapore?

Many thanks 
Philip Wyatt

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