Molecular Dynamics and Knight-Ridder Information sponsor BIOSCI!!

BIOSCI Administrator biosci-help at net.bio.net
Fri Jul 14 18:31:05 EST 1995

I am pleased to announce that Molecular Dynamics, Inc. and
Knight-Ridder Information Inc. (formerly known as Dialog) are the
first two commercial sponsors of the BIOSCI project.  Please visit our
World Wide Web home page at URL http://www.bio.net/ to see the new

I also encourage all BIOSCI readers to thank these sponsors by linking
to their home pages ***via the links on the BIOSCI home page***.  The
financial support of these sponsors will continue to fund our
non-profit work after the end of the grant next year, so we encourage
our readers - if they value the newsgroup creation work, BIO-JOURNALS
table of contents distributions, e-mail list maintance, technical
support, archive maintenance, and other work that we do for the
biology community - to make use of these hypertext links to sponsors
from our home page.  Now that we are out of the woods on the project
relocation issue, BIOSCI will also commence efforts to provide
additional useful, free services via http://www.bio.net/ to make it
even more worth your while to visit us on the Web.

Details of the BIOSCI sponsorship program were announced earlier this
year, but my efforts in this regards had to be curtailed due to the
need to find a new home for the project.  Now that the move has been
accomplished, the sponsorship drive will resume along with many other
new efforts (please stay tuned!).  Potential sponsors may contact me
at biosci-help at net.bio.net.


				Dave Kristofferson
				BIOSCI/bionet Manager

				biosci-help at net.bio.net

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