Is the GD Rose paper out?

John Kuszewski johnk at spasm.niddk.nih.gov
Thu Jul 13 11:19:40 EST 1995

In article <3u32co$5n7 at news.ox.ac.uk>, smb at bioch.ox.ac.uk (Simon Brocklehurst) writes:

|>   Still, it was nice to see an economical model with not too many obvious 
|> fudge factors tagged onto it.  Bit of a shame they didn't present results
|> for some small, but complete (as opposed to 50 residue fragments), 
|> proteins/folding units though... 

He did try (but didn't publish) a model of a protein whose
structure we've just finished.  This is about 50 residues long.
Part of it looked all right, but part was badly screwed up.  

I guess it's not quite time for the Nobel Prize acceptance speech,
but it's really impressive that LINUS works so well with so little

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John Kuszewski                     ||  |/  /|  ||      
johnk at spasm.niddk.nih.gov          ||  /  /||  ||
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that's MISTER protein G to you!     |/__/|      |

"Biophysics has driven me to an attitude of apocalyptic doom"
   --Frank Delaglio

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