human MMPs

RossN at imb.lan.nrc.ca RossN at imb.lan.nrc.ca
Thu Jul 13 14:39:58 EST 1995

I am looking for a supplier of different human MMPs (matrix
metalloproteinases) such as gelatinases, type 1 collagenase, stromelysin.
I would like any leads, commercial supplier or a researcher who can supply
any one of these enzymes (for $). Note that I need the human form of these
Thanks a whole bunch.
Neil W. Ross, Ph.D.
National Research Council Canada
Institute for Marine Biosciences
1411 Oxford St., Halifax, NS  B3H 3Z1
(902)426-8402     FAX (902) 426-9413
Email: ROSSN at imb.lan.nrc.ca

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