Is the GD Rose paper out?

murphy kenneth p kpmurphy at blue.weeg.uiowa.edu
Tue Jul 11 13:32:50 EST 1995

In article <3tucm1$gg6 at agate.berkeley.edu>,
Louis Hom <lhom at OCF.Berkeley.EDU> wrote:
>I was just wondering if that paper by Rose et al. regarding The Problem had
>come out yet.  I seem to recall someone predicting its publication sometime
>last month or this month.  Medline showed nothing.
>Lou Hom >K'93			      I hear the American Enterprise Institute 
>lhom at ocf.berkeley.edu			says it's true. 

Yes, it's in the latest issue of Proteins as the lead article.

Dr. Kenneth P. Murphy				e-mail: k-murphy at uiowa.edu
Department of Biochemistry			office: (319)335-8910
University of Iowa				lab:  (319)335-7936
Iowa City, IA 52242            		        FAX:  (319)335-9570

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