N- and C-terminal sequencing.

Hiranya Roychowdhury hroychow at NMSU.EDU
Tue Jul 11 15:34:18 EST 1995

Dear Netters,
	I am looking for a reliable and reasonable facility that handles
both N- and C-terminal sequencing of electrophoretically purified
polypeptides. I need the information rather urgently since a couple of
places I had contacted through email have not replied with any quotes. 

Any help will be appreciated. 

with regards,


			  Hiranya S. Roychowdhury
   			  Plant Genetic Engineering Lab.
			  Box 3GL, NM State Univ.
			  Las Cruces, NM 88003
			  Phone: (505) 646-5785
			  hroychow at nmsu.edu

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