Gentamycine resistance

Gilles VACHON vachon at bio.grenet.fr
Tue Jul 11 05:57:16 EST 1995

Hi all,

I am trying to transform E. coli with a vector carrying a Gentamycine
resistance gene.
I have not been able to get colonies yet.
I use LB plates with Gentamycine at 10ug/ml
Does anyone on the net have had experience with that antibiotic?  
Dr. Gilles Vachon
Laboratoire de Biologie Moleculaire Vegetale
CERMO, 3eme etage
Universite J. Fourier, BP 53X
Tel: (33) 76 63 56 58
fax: (33) 76 51 43 36
e-mail: vachon at bio.grenet.fr

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