Triton-X 100 effect on protein concentration determination

Daniel Kim dkim at nmsu.edu
Fri Jul 7 12:56:41 EST 1995

I have been reading this thread, and thought this might be relevant:

I am using a protein determination kit called dotMETRIC.  It is a 
spot-blot kind of assay, in which the diameter of the spot on a gel is 
proportional to the total amount of protein. Thus, a single spot of 1 
microliter of unknown protein solution can be used to get a reasonably 
accurate measure of total protein.  The manufacturers claim that the 
assay is unaffected by detergents, and does not require a protein 
standard curve.  It gives the same result regardless of the individual 
protein characteristics.

I am new at this protein game (Proteins have always been the stuff I 
throw away in the phenol phase), so I thought the kit would be worth a 
try.  It does seem to be very easy and consistent.  I have made no formal 
comparisons with other assay methods, however.  Has anyone else tried 
this kit and made a comparison?

If interested, here is the address, etc for the manufacturer:

Geno Technology, Inc.
3803 Washington Blvd.
St. Louis, MO  63108  USA

(314) 534-0075

FAX  (314) 534-1883

Daniel Kim  (no affiliation with the company.)

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