FASTA20x1 available for DOS

Bill Pearson wrp at dayhoff.med.Virginia.EDU
Wed Jul 5 08:58:33 EST 1995

The current version of the FASTA package has been ported to "DOS"
using the Borland C++ 4.51 compiler.

It is available from ftp.virginia.edu in "pub/fasta/dos".

This release has not been tested extensively.  Fortunately, the
changes required to move the unix/mac version to DOS were modest (most
changes involved changes from int to long and some work with "far"
pointers).  At the moment, there is no "Windows" or "Win32S" version

If you have any problems with the program, please send me email.

The FASTA package is not in the public domain.  It is copyrighted by
William R. Pearson and the University of Virginia.  You are welcome to
download the program from ftp.virginia.edu, but please do not offer it
for redistribution without contacting me first.

Bill Pearson
wrp at virginia.EDU
Dept. of Biochemistry #440
U. of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA 22908

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