HELP! Protein Graphics!! Sorry, No help available on that topic

Orhan Ertughrul owde100 at bioc.cam.ac.uk
Tue Jan 31 08:38:19 EST 1995

In article <1995Jan30.201542.18484 at alw.nih.gov>, johnk at spasm.niddk.nih.gov (John Kuszewski) writes:
 > In article <3ggmdi$5j at mace.cc.purdue.edu>, barani at mace.cc.purdue.edu (Barani) writes:
 > |>   IMHO crystallographers are more closer to the truths 
 > |>  of a biomolecule than anyone else. 
 > Except, of course, for us NMR people.  No packing distotions,
 > good pictures of flexibility. 

And a residue limit of about 250AA even for 4D. NMR is always going to be a 
technique of restricted use until larger biomolecules can be resolved.


Orhan W.D. Ertughrul       |    /\         "It's hard enough to watch
University of Cambridge    |   /  \ /\      the news, let alone explain
Department of Biochemistry |  /    /  \     it to a child to cast its
Tennis Court Road          | /    /    \    eyes on nature over fields
Cambridge CB2 1QW          |/    /      \   of rape and corn, and tell
                           |  /\/        \  it without flinching not to
owde100 at cus.cam.ac.uk      | /  \         \ fear where its been born"
WWW : http://nirvana.bioc.cam.ac.uk/~owde100/

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