ABRF address, phone number, etc.

Thomas Miller, Dupont, Wilm, DE millertj at esvx19.es.dupont.com
Wed Jan 25 10:57:40 EST 1995

In article <1995Jan24.183658.22829 at es.dupont.com>, millertj at esvx19.es.dupont.com (Thomas Miller, Dupont, Wilm, DE) writes:
>Wanted:   The Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities current address,
>phone number.
>I've heard that the ABRF has a worthwhile Bulletin board going these days.
>Thank you.   Tom
>Thomas Miller, Protein Sequencing, Macromolecular Characteriztion, Dupont.
>Views expressed are my own.

I received this information from Lyuben Marekov at the NIH.  Thank you Lyuben. 
I tried the suggested phone number and it works.  They'll send you membership
information through the mail.

I haven't tried the rest of the comments yet.  Tom

Subject:  Re: ABRF address, phone number, etc.

Tom, this might help you 

ABRF Business Office
9650 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20814-3998
Phone 301 571 8300

There is a bulletin board : abrf at aecom.yu.edu
You can subscribe by sending a request to (as far as I remember) : 
                       angelett at aecom.yu.edu  (Dr. Ruth Hogue Angeletti)
or if this does not work to:
                        abrf at aecom.yu.edu

for ABRF  Gopher:
            ask umit at vaxb.acs.unt.edu (Yuksel Umit) 

Lyuben Marekov

Thomas Miller           Protein Sequencing       Macromolecular Characteriztion
                           D U P O N T
"Views expressed are my own."

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