Help with "Alteplase" again

Jonathan Parrish jopa at ac.dal.ca
Sun Jan 22 11:12:56 EST 1995

Hello again, 

I sent out a message a couple days ago but I suspect it was lost somewhere, 
since I have not actually seen it appear beyond the original newsboard.

I am trying to find out information about a recombinant tissue plasminogen 
activator whose name is "Alteplase".  I assume it is a trademark name
for a particular company, but I am having trouble locating it.  Can anyone 
out there give me a lead on this?  All I can find are non-recombinant forms.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.

Jonathan Parrish                                    Jopa at ac.dal.ca
Department of Biochemistry
Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada

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