
Peter Alliger u7q11aa at sunmail.lrz-muenchen.de
Tue Jan 10 11:20:02 EST 1995

I am looking for good method to precipitate a highly purified protein
analysing it on a SDS-PAGE.
The fraction has about 1M KCl and should be concentrated from 500 ul to
about 20.

Thanks for suggestions


Peter Alliger, Ph.D.                   
Institute for Immunology                 home address:
University of Munich                    
Goethestr. 31                           Maximilian-Wetzger-Str.7
D-80336 Munich, Germany                 D-80636 Munich, Germany

Phone:(49-89)5996-673                   (49-89)183426
Fax:  (49-89)5160-2236

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