tris-glycine vs tricine

Paul N Hengen pnh at fcsparc6.ncifcrf.gov
Mon Jan 9 18:51:30 EST 1995

 In article <3es5r2$mm3 at neuro.usc.edu>
 william at neuro.usc.edu (Fiberman) writes:

| Does anyone know what are the advantages/disadvantages of tris-glycine 
| vs. tricine gels for electrophoresis of proteins?

The use of tricine allows resolution of proteins in the < 5,000 Dalton
range better than glycine. Also, the proteins may be recovered for
microsequencing without modification problems.

author = "H. {Sch\"{a}gger}
     and G. von Jagow",
title = "Tricine-sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
for the separation of proteins in the range from 1 to 100 {kDa}",
journal = "Anal. Biochem.",
volume = "166",
pages = "368-379",
year = "1987"}

* Paul N. Hengen, Ph.D.                           /--------------------------/*
* National Cancer Institute                       |Internet: pnh at ncifcrf.gov |*
* Laboratory of Mathematical Biology              |   Phone: (301) 846-5581  |*
* Frederick Cancer Research and Development Center|     FAX: (301) 846-5598  |*
* Frederick, Maryland 21702-1201 USA              /--------------------------/*
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