article in protein science

Cornelius Krasel krasel at alf.biochem.mpg.de
Sun Jan 8 08:40:33 EST 1995

m madhusoodanan (e9403001 at powai.cc.iitb.ernet.in) wrote:
> i came across an interesting article in one of the recent issues
> of the journal Protien Science. unfortunately i do not have access
> to that journal. is it possible for me to obtain atleast the absract
> of the article. could someone be kind enough to send me the abstract.

The contents and abstracts of Protein Science are posted to the newsgroup
bionet.journals.contents which you can search by gophering to net.bio.net.
Protein Science has also a WWW server at the URL


You can find there a lot of additional useful data.

Hope that helps,

/* Cornelius Krasel, Abt. Lohse, Genzentrum, D-82152 Martinsried, Germany  */
/* email: krasel at alf.biochem.mpg.de                 fax: +49 89 8578 3795  */
/* "Science is the game you play with God to find out what His rules are." */

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