In standard chromatography of proteins, we monitor the absorbance of the column eluate with a
Pharmacia UV-1 flow cell coupled to a chart recorder. This analog signal from the UV-1 is 10 mV.
To design a system to convert the signal to a digital format, I'll need a A/D converter, some sort
of board for a yet-to-be purchased 486 PC, and some sort of software to acquire, process, and store
the data.
We'll likely couple two UV-1 units in tandem (214 and 280 nm).....this is 2 channels.....and then
a simple closure switch to indicate the advancement of the fraction collector....this is another channel...
a total of 3 channels.....
No need to buy a big, expensive HPLC software program, because I won't be controlling any pumps,
Comments on boards, A/D units, and software sources and experiences are respectfully requested.
Thanks in advance,
Jim Bassuk
Univ Washington