Pictures/coordinates for states in protein folding

Evan W. Steeg steeg at cs.toronto.edu
Thu Jan 5 17:54:35 EST 1995

 If I may just follow up on my own posting of yesterday:

In article <95Jan4.201837edt.280 at neuron.ai.toronto.edu>,
Evan W. Steeg <steeg at cs.toronto.edu> wrote:
>  A friend of mine would like some pictures of a protein in several
>different states of folding/unfolding.  She'd really prefer Cytochrome C,
>but other proteins would suffice.  Otherwise, her needs are very
>  -- Intermediate states may be observed (NMR, etc.) or modelled (according
>     to some accepted classical/qm simulation model).
>  -- Pictures may be space-filling, or ribbon diagrams, or etc.
>  -- Pictures in any unix-friendly format (gif, tiff, ppm, etc.)
> In addition to or in lieu of graphics, perhaps there is a database
>of partially-folded structures somewhere, akin to the brookhaven pdb
>of folded structure coordinate files?  I'm curious about this myself.
> Last but not least, can anyone recommend offhand a particularly good
>paper on some theoretical or empirical aspects of folding that features
>a sequence of pictures as described above (especially of Cyt C!) ?

  1. Lest there be any confusion... what I meant when I referred to
     various states of folding/unfolding was *well-characterized
     intermediates in the folding pathway*, and not "unfolded" or
     "random" configurations.  Obviously, it makes no sense to have
     a database of "unfolded" protein coordinates.

  2. I'm making this request for a friend who wants to do a research/reading
     project for a chemistry course.  I talked her into being interested
     in the protein folding problem (oops) and she is already thinking
     of how she might give her presentation if she does follow through
     on this nontrivial topic.  It would be nice if she could put up a
     couple of slides graphically illustrating the ("real" or hypothesized)
     folding of a particular protein.

  3. It occurs to me that, besides my friend's immediate needs, it may
     be of interest to others (myself included) if there exists any
     database of either graphics (e.g., a WWW site) or databases of
     proposed or discovered intermediate structures.

   Thanks again for your attention.

     -- Evan

Evan W. Steeg (416) 978-5182              steeg at ai.toronto.edu
Dept of Computer Science                  steeg at t13.lanl.gov
University of Toronto,
Toronto, Canada M5S 1A4                   FAX:  (416) 978-1455

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