spermidine cell lysis

Dale Yuzuki's Work Account dale at JWCI.ORG
Thu Jan 5 03:08:07 EST 1995

Being a newcomer to protein purification, I read about an enzymatic
method of cell lysis of E.coli that uses sucrose and spermidine
(Meth. Enzym. 182:149) but the scale is much too high for the 
amount of cells I have (pellet from ~2l).

Is there a similar method available that is appropriately scaled
down? Or should I use the above method at 1/200 volumes? Thanks
in advance.

- Dale Yuzuki M.A. M.Ed. - John Wayne Cancer Inst. - dale at jwci.org -   __@
- 2200 Santa Monica Blvd - Santa Monica CA 90404   - (310) 449-5267 _ -\<'_
- I do not pray for success. I ask for faithfulness. Mother Theresa(_)-/-(_)

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