protein and RNA purification

Rae Nishi nishir at ohsu.edu
Wed Jan 4 12:52:17 EST 1995

In article <3daac4$1tu at neuro.usc.edu>
william at neuro.usc.edu (Fiberman) writes:

> Is there a protocol to get proteins and RNA from the same tissue in one  
> step?  If you know of one, or can provide a reference, please let me know!
> Thanks.
> -fm

With the TriReagent (from Molecular Research Corp) or Trizol from GIBCO
BRL you are supposed to be able to get RNA, DNA and protein in one
extraction.  We've only used in for isolating RNA but a colleague of
mine who tried it for RNA and protein said that it worked fine.

Rae Nishi
Dept. Cell Biology & Anatomy
Oregon Health Sciences University
Portland Oregon 97201
**that's Orygun, NOT Ora-Gone**

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