Modeling Software

Steve s.m.williams.bcm at bham.ac.uk
Tue Aug 1 05:44:05 EST 1995

kballi at aol.com (KBalli) wrote:

>I am new to the science/art of protein modeling and looking for some
>advice or pointers.  I just started working in a cell biology lab studying
>gap junction proteins at Loma Linda University School of Medicine.  My
>goal is to add conformational / energy minimization data using computer

>Currently our lab has no software, so I am working in another lab using
>Quanta 4.0 / CHARMm on a Silicon Graphics IRIS 4D (circa early 80's I
>believe).  No one else in the lab uses it and I am spending lots of time
>wading through their 8 manuals.  The software seems quite comprehensive
>but I have nothing to compare it to.  Our lab is hoping to purchase some
>software / hardware of our own soon.  A couple questions I've been
>wondering about are:

>1) How does this software compare to others out on the market.  Is it
>industry standard, or is there better?

>2) What other software is available for UNIX?

>3) Our lab currently has only PC's and Power Mac's - is there any
>comparable software made for these platforms?

>4) A friend told me about a software package called Imdad / Look from
>Molecular Applications Group - is this any good?

>5) Are there any good books, journals, or other Internet resources where I
>might find answers to these and other molecular modeling questions as I
>get started on this project?

>Thanks for your time and any suggestions you can give me.
>KBalli at aol.com

You could try RASMOL for the PC. I have a link on one of my pages:-


Afraid I can't answer any of the others.


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