Protein Science Web Server Up.

Harry Mangalam mangalam at uci.edu
Sat Oct 1 18:40:27 EST 1994

##########  Announcing the Protein Science Web Server ##############
#                                                                  #
#                 http://www.prosci.uci.edu/                       #
#                                                                  #

   The Web Server for the eventual on-line publication of the journal 
Protein Science is now in operation.  We have completed the first phase 
of the project which includes:

 * General information about Protein Science
   (editors, history, instructions for authors, etc.)
 * An introduction to the Web and the Internet through links
   to other Web sites
 * A message center for correspondence with the Protein Science
   (editorial office, the Protein Society, Cambridge Univ. Press)
 * On-line access to all kinetic protein images (kinemages) published
   in Protein Science to date [kinemages are viewed with MAGE
 * Instructions for setting up MAGE as an external viewer for 
   kinemages using WinMosaic, WinWeb, Cello, and MacWeb as Web 
   browsers (includes information about the various browsers)
 * Access to various Web sites expected to be of interest to 
   Protein Scientists

The Protein Science Gopher Space (gopher://ftp.uci.edu:1071/11/protein) 
continues to operate and is accessible from the Protein Science Home 

The Protein Science Web Server is maintained by Louise Falevsky 
(falevsky at uci.edu) who is responsible for all technical aspects of its 
creation.  Louise and I would be pleased to receive your comments and 
suggestions.  If your Web site contains links to the Protein Science 
Gopher Space, we would appreciate it if you would add a link to our 
home page.  If you do not have a link yet, perhaps you will consider 
adding one.

                      Stephen White

* Prof. Stephen White                           *
* Dept. of Physiology & Biophysics              *
* Univ. of California                           *
* Irvine, CA 92717-4560                         *
* Internet: blanco at helium.biomol.uci.edu  or    *
*           SHWhite at uci.edu                     *
*     http://helium.biomol.uci.edu/shw.shtml    *
* Voice: 714-856-7122        Fax: 714-856-8540  *
Posted by Harry Mangalam (mangalam at uci.edu) by request.


Harry Mangalam, VCO/Micro+Mol Genetics, Irvine Hall, College of Medicine, 
UC Irvine, Irvine, CA, 92717, Vox:(714) 856-4824, Fax:(714) 725-2118, mangalam at uci.edu

There's no better glory, when it all gets harried, to be laughing in the midst of it all.   --- Doug and the Slugs ---

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