LysC-±28,5 kDa

Tony Houthaeve houthaeve at embl-heidelberg.de
Tue May 24 05:29:38 EST 1994

In article <1994May14.160654.1 at mpimg-berlin-dahlem.mpg.de>, jaensch at mpimg-berlin-dahlem.mpg.de writes:
> I use the LysC-Endoproteinase and don't find any information about the
> molecular mass of the enzym! There are also no information in the BOEHRINGER
> MANNHEIM Catalog.
> Is their someone who knows the kDa of LysC ???
> Thank you for help,
> Lothar from IGF-Berlin (Germany)

Hi again,

as I posted before the MW of Lys-C being about 30 kDa.
I measured the mass again on one of out mass spectrometers here at the EMBL.
I find a mass which is about 28.490 kDa, so not that far of.

Hope this is enough.

Tony Houthaeve
Protein & Peptide Group EMBL

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