Subject: Help with Prot.-DNA interactions
Newsgroups: bionet.molbio.proteins
I have a problem that I'm hoping that some of you can help me
with, thus saving me a great deal of legwork in an unfamiliar subject.
While looking at something completely different, we engineered a purine
to pyrimidine change into a stretch of DNA that is involved with
interactions with a certain protein. (sorry to be so circumspect)
At any point, we weren't sure what section of this protein was
interacting with the DNA and to make a long story short, we are getting a
compensatory mutation in the protein which causes a Val to Ile change.
While this change is fairly conservative, I was wondering if anybody out
there could make any suggestions about what this change might mean.
Amoung DNA-protein interactions, are there any noted preferences for a
Val over Ile when interacting with a purine, or vise-versa? Even if no
one out there can give me a dirrect answer could somebody give a
suggestion as to how I could screen a large number of DNA-interacting
proteins for possible clues as to what is going on.
Thanks in advance,
Bob Means
New England Regional Primate Research Center...Where the primates have
better living conditions than the grad. students.
"Why don't activists ever picket for better living conditions for
me?"--any impoverished grad student