Peptide Synthesis reply

John E. Fox J.E.Fox at bham.ac.uk
Fri May 13 11:53:07 EST 1994

In article <2r0b7e$hga at sun4.bham.ac.uk>, J.E.Fox at bham.ac.uk (John E. Fox) says:
>In article <2qtk1j$nnn at usenet.INS.CWRU.Edu>, evw2 at po.CWRU.Edu (Eric V. Wong) says:
>Dear Eric,
>In reply to your Email:- this is what we can do in the field of peptide synthesis
>, plus everything else. Just give me a call if you are interested.
>Alta Bioscience, the essentials:-
>Synthetic methods
>Oligonucleotide synthesis               
>*       Rapid synthesis of purified oligos ready for use in PCR or 
>        sequencing.
>*       Synthesis on 0.2 and 1.0 micromole scales.
>*       Larger scales of synthesis.
>*       Mixed base oligos.
>*       Doped oligos.
>*       Fluorescein or Biotin tags at any position.
>*       Phosphorothioate oligos.
>*       Oligos coupled to solid supports.
>*       Optional reverse phase cartridge purification.
>Peptide synthesis       
>*       Laboratory scale synthesis, 50 to 500 micromole amounts of 
>        peptides. 
>*       Multiple peptide synthesis: 30 micromoles, 12 peptides 
>        simultaneously.
>*       Multiple peptide synthesis: 5 micromoles, 48 peptides 
>        simultaneously.
>*       Multiple antigenic peptides, MAPs, (octomeric peptides).
>*       Peptides supplied crude or purified.
>*       Quality control includes amino acid analysis, HPLC, mass 
>        spectrometry.
>Sequencing techniques
>DNA sequencing  
>*       Approximately 400 bases per reaction, depending on template 
>        quality.
>*       Sequencing of plasmids or PCR products.
>*       Can use ordinary primers.
>*       Only needs 1 micro gramme of template, (for a plasmid).
>*       Data presented as hard copy or in electronic form.
>Protein micro sequencing        
>*       High sensitivity, capable of sequencing at the pico mole level.
>*       Can sequence proteins or peptides.
>*       Can sequence either proteins in solution or on PVDF blots.
>*       Radio sequencing available.
>*       Rapid return of data.
>Analytical methods
>Amino acid analysis     
>*       Amino acid analysis on virtually any type of material.
>*       Separation of either protein hydrolysates or biological fluids.
>*       All sample preparation included.
>*       Choice of detection systems.
>Laser desorption mass analysis  
>*       Suitable for a wide range of molecular weights of up to 200kDa.
>*       Capable of processing large numbers of samples.
>*       Picomole sensitivity.
>*       Mass measurement accurate to *0.04%.
>High Performance Liquid Chromatography  
>*       Range of columns available.
>*       Choice of detectors, UV, RI, fluorescence, electrochemical.
>*       Analytical or semi preparative scale of separations.
>For further details on these methods please contact the Director:-
>Dr. John E. Fox
>School of Biochemistry
>The University of Birmingham
>Tel     021 414 5450               
>Fax     021 414 3376

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