Sequence alignment programs

William R. Pearson wrp at dayhoff.med.Virginia.EDU
Tue May 3 18:31:01 EST 1994

Michael J. McLeish <MichaelJ.McLeish at vcp1.vcp.monash.edu.au> wrote:
>Dear Netters
>I am interested in obtaining a program (or programs), preferably public 
>domain, for the alignment of DNA and amino acid sequences.  I would 
>appreciate any advice on the choice of programs available.

	The FASTA package is a comprehensive set of programs for
sequence alignment, including local and global alignments and
heuristic database searches.  It is available from virginia.EDU
in "pub/fasta/fasta17.shar(.Z)".

	This package is not in the public domain and should not be
redistributed without permission, but it is freely available.

Bill Pearson

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