DSSP program wanted !!

Dan R. Wilson drwilson at unixg.ubc.ca
Mon May 2 16:59:11 EST 1994

In article <9404291441.AA07036 at absalpha.dcrt.nih.gov>,
geetha <geetha at ABSALPHA.DCRT.NIH.GOV> wrote:
>Hello Netters
>Can anybody help me find DSSP program ? Is there any anon. FTP site or is
>it commercially available ? 

Gopher to "felix.embl-heidelberg.de" on port 70, traverse the menus to a
directory called "software/unix/dssp" and you'll find a LICENSE form.
Fill it out, send it by snail mail to the EMBL address indicated, and
(apparently) DSSP source code will be sent to you by e-mail.
I've looked for some time myself for DSSP, and was pleased to find the
LICENSE form _recently_ added to the EMBL gopher menu.

It's free to academic users, but you must pay some $$$ for commercial
use.  Happy DSSPing B-|.
Dan Wilson (drwilson at unixg.ubc.ca).

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