inquiry: Lithium and G-proteins

Michael J Marino mjmst33+ at pitt.edu
Fri Jul 29 16:09:08 EST 1994

In article <319i1r$l46 at usenet.srv.cis.pitt.edu> mjmst33+ at pitt.edu (Michael J Marino) writes:
>In article <ehom1-280794100451 at image-slave.swarthmore.edu> ehom1 at cc.swarthmore.edu (Erik Forbes Y. Hom) writes:


>explanation of of the therapeutic effects of LiCl.  The G-protein binding
>effect is actually quite different.  Lithium fluoride is used, and it is
>believed that the F- coordinates with Mg++ to mimick a phospate group. 

Sorry,  That should have been aluminum.  I was confusing it with the
nucleotide binding Mg++.  Hope I didn't mislead anyone.

"My Kindness is not random, and nothing senseless was ever beautiful."
                 - J. Zabriskie
Michael J. Marino                            email MJMST33+ at pitt.edu

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