Mystery Band

R.G. Walters mbrgw at s-crim1.dl.ac.uk
Tue Feb 1 06:08:29 EST 1994

In article <genecutl-310194130016 at kos2mac17.berkeley.edu> genecutl at mendel.berkeley.edu (gc) writes:
>...  Regardless of the initial amount of this higher
>form, it invariably increases over time, during the purification and 
>especially during storage afterwords (at 4 degrees).  The abundance of
>the mystery band increases until it is roughly 50% of the total protein.
>We've done some mass spec on the mixture and see only one predominant
>mass, with some minor oxidation products (not enough to account for the
>mystery band).
>	Any ideas?

How about a conformational isomer, due to, say, oxidation of disulphide
bridges.  Do you have enough DTT/betamercaptoethanol in your denaturing mix?

Robin Walters.                      Robert Hill Institute, Sheffield UK.

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