protein folding

Shaun D. Black SHAUN%JASON.DECNET at relay.the.net
Tue Feb 1 01:55:30 EST 1994

Josh Mittledorf asked about concepts that could be utilitzed to reduce the 
complexity of the protein folding problem (the "Levinthal Paradox"), such 
that new algorithms could be developed.  A good place to start would be 
Martin Karplus' and Eugene Shakhnovich's chapter "Protein Folding: 
Theoretical Studies of Thermodynamics and Dynamics" in Tom Creighton's book 
"Protein Folding" (W.H. Freeman, New York, 1992).  It's well written and 
really addresses your question quite well.  I'd enjoy a discussion of the 
various models used to simulate the protein folding process; this chapter 
appears to be a good point of embarkation.  Best regards,  Shaun
  = Shaun D. Black, PhD     | Internet:  shaun%jason.decnet at relay.the.net = 
  = Dept. of Biochemistry   | University of Texas Health Center, at Tyler = 

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