
Marek Tchorzewski marek at pclsp2.kuicr.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tue Feb 1 02:01:30 EST 1994

This message regards scientists and technologists operating
in the Kansai area (Osaka, Kyoto and Kobe -Japan-).


This is to announce the start of Kansai-net:


This net was originaly conceived by a group of Kyoto
University researchers  and graduated students 
who felt the need of a local network to be used for 
all the foreigner community of scholars, scientists
and technologists resident in the Kansai-area (Kyoto,
Osaka and Kobe) as a mean of easy communication,
excange of ideas, help and informations in the "alien"
Japanese environment; but, infact, is open to all
of you that are resident in Kansai and have computer
access to Internet; the presence of Japanese
scientists is welcome and will be surely very helpful.

Kansai-net is a LOCAL network concerned with 
everything is about the EVERYDAY LIFE and 
its aim is to make it easier and more enjoyable.
In this view it is supposed to be very casual and the
content of messages can be anything, e.g. looking for
somebody to come along to Kabuki, to go for drinking,
anouncements of parties, Sayonara sales, information
about incredible bargains at special shops, where 
me and my wife can baby-sit our six children in order
to take a night off, flat swapping, people for mountain
biking, sightseeing, problems with your computer (or
your girlfriend), were to find a good english speaking
dentist, are there any Russian scientists in the area,
who show me around in Kobe in Sunday or who
is going to P. & W. tonight...

This net is not censored at all, and everything is allowed,
(no strict morality here!) but elegance and courtesy 
are demanded.

Of course, this is a non-profit net and subsequently 
commercial advertizing is not allowed.

You can post messages by sending them to
<kansai-net at pclsp2.kuicr.kyoto-u.ac.jp>

To subscribe, please email the form that you will find
at the end of this announcement to 
vinz at pclsp2.kuicr.kyoto-u.ac.jp 
or to
marek at pclsp2.kuicr.kyoto-u.ac.jp
stating in the subject: subscribe Kansai-net (or unsubscribe)

Since the aim is a local network, please, apply only
people from inside Japan.

Looking forward  to listening soon from you all,

Vincenzo Nardi-Dei (vinz at pclsp2.kuicr.kyoto-u.ac.jp)
Marek Tchorzewski  (marek at pclsp2.kuicr.kyoto-u.ac.jp) 
(Kansai-net Managers)

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Form for partecipating in the Kansai-net mailing list

First Name:

Family Name:


Office Address:


email address:

The personal data provided above are primarily for Kansai-net
members' use.
Kansai-net cannot be held responsible if it is put to use
by third parties.
By providing the information above, I give permission for my informations to be
put in the kansai-net computer database
and be forwarded to the other members of kansai-net.

--------------------------and here-------------------------


end of forwarded file 

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