secondary structure prediction from 3D in linear display

D_Vincent Waterhous waterhod at ava.bcc.orst.edu
Tue Sep 21 13:00:18 EST 1993

>Subject: Secondary Structures from 3-D coordinates
>Date: 21 Sep 93 03:20:26 GMT
>Sender: daemon at net.bio.net

>Does anyone know of a program that takes 3-D coordinates of a protein,
>interprets secondary structures present, and outputs a linear secondary
>structure assignment underneath the primary sequence ?

>I would like to be able to compare predicted secondary structures (e.g.
>PredProtein server) with known secondary structure(s) of other protein(s)
>in a given family.

>Roger Graham
>UBC Microbiology Vancouver flo at unixg.ubc.ca

  In reply to the query in article 822 I would refer you to the
  Kabsch and Sander algorithm as described in Biopolymers (1983)
  22, 2577-2637.  The program is well described here and is supposedly
  available from the Brookhaven PDB. I have heard there are problems
  with the program as available from Brookhaven but I have no personal
  experience with it.

  I obtained a program written in C based on the above mentioned
  algorithm from Mike Carson at UAB's macromolecular crystallography
  group. I do not know if it is generally availble but I know that it 
  works. You can reach Mike at carson at luna.cmc.uab.edu, and hopefully he
  will reply.

  Good luck,

  Vince waterhous
  Biophysics, Oregon State University
  waterhod at bcc.orst.edu

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