specialized hardware for protein structure prediction

Doug Hoffman hoffman at cs.unc.edu
Thu Sep 9 11:55:04 EST 1993

I am in the process of writing a paper surveying the application of custom
computational hardware to the problem of protein structure prediction. I am
interested in any information regarding custom systems proposed, designed,
or built that deal with protein folding, conformational energy
calculations, secondary structure identification, molecular dynamics, etc.
An example of the type of project that I'm interested in is the Delft
Molecular Dynamics Processor, designed and constructed at the University of
Technology at Delft, the Netherlands. I am not restricting my investigation
to MD methods, information on projects pertaining to any facet of protein
structure prediction is eagerly sought.

If you know of or, better still, have been involved in such a project I
would very much like to hear from you. If there are papers, tech reports, or
other documents that can be e-mailed or ftp'ed I shall be extremely
grateful. This survey is the first step towards a possible system building
project at UNC-CH. The knowledge gained by any prior efforts will be highly
valued by the researchers here.


Doug L. Hoffman                 |  University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
3213 NC 62 East                 |  hoffman at cs.unc.edu
Liberty, NC  27298              |  Work: (919) 962-1968, Home: (919) 565-4845

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